Friday, June 26, 2009

Tahlya graduates and gets a new kitty!!

We are very proud of Tahlya for graduating eight grade this year! Grandma came down to San Diego with me to attend Tahlya's ceremony and I had a little surprise for her stowed away in my truck.
It was a kitty that Mike and I had been caring for, for the last couple weeks. Tahlya nearly died when she found out we had kitties a few weeks back and proceeded to bug our mom for one every day. i love kitties
She was ecstatic when she returned home from the ceremony and spotted a little fur ball in a cute, pink play bed. I took a few pics of her with the kitty and of her opening gits to celebrate her day. Alaina took some more pics, hopefully we can get some more up here. :)
Tahlya and her new kitty

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